A Web.com Partner
Daily Malware Scanning 360?. Vulnerability Scanning. Network Security Scanning
Protection against attacks from Bots. Elimination of Comment Spam. Automated Security Alerts
The SiteLock website firewall blocks bad bots and prevents attacks. It also accelerates website performance with advanced content optimization and a robust global CDN
TrueCode Static Application Security Testing (SAST), also known as “White-Box” testing, finds common vulnerabilities by analyzing 100% of the source code of your applications.
Sitelock INFINITY is a premium vulnerability and malware detection and remidiation service unique to SiteLock.
Content Delivery Network (CDN) greatly increases your website speed, while also using significantly less bandwidth, which play a huge role in increasing revenue and customer loyalty
SiteLock protects more than 1,000,000 online businesses around the globe; that’s more than any other website security or virus scan provider
Sitelock has a great team of dedicated security consultants that are there for your customer’s business. They also have a team of website security engineers which is available 24x7x365